Learning for Life Programme
The Learning for Life Programme - Sports and Outdoor Education (LLP) provides students with real-life experiential learning to develop their character and values, cultivate positive attitudes, self-expression and strengthen their people skills.
Our LLP, Education Values of Olympism @ Kent Ridge (EVOKE!) – is in the area of Sports and Outdoor Education and was implemented in 2015. EVOKE!’s overarching philosophy of Olympism encompasses our desires to develop our students through the interaction of qualities of the body, mind and will. Our LLP has the following desired outcomes:
- Nurture and develop all Kent Ridgeans as proficient individuals in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains through Olympic Education programme via Sports and Outdoor activities;
- Equip all Kent Ridgeans with strong leadership skills to lead self, peers and the school/community through Kouzes & Posner’s Five Exemplary Leadership Practices;
- Develop in all Kent Ridgeans the 21st Century Competencies of communication, collaboration and critical and inventive thinking skills.
Sports Exposure - Experiential Week
Sports Empowerment - Outreach to Primary Schools
Sports Empowerment - Student Leadership Training
Sports Excellence - Sports CCA